In this post I have collected news and tidbits, some with my commentary, on planned or installed projects from around the world that further the transition from our carbon-based energy system to a photon-based. This includes projects on renewable chemical feedstocks (hydrogen, ammonia, etc.) as well as their generation by renewable methods and the infrastructure developments underpinning such projects.

These notes are made from my personal vantage point, which is necessarily limited, and without any claim to be authoritative or even objective. The notes are not presented in any particular order.

Even though each tidbit can certainly feel small and inconsequential in the moment, every small step towards weening ourselves off the carbon-based economy counts. And judging by most outlooks, the pace of the energy transition will only accelerate even more during the remainder of this decade.

This is necessary if we are to even stay within reach of the 1.5℃ climate target, according to the World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023 report from IRENA. Most worryingly, the pace is not enough, as the gap between what has been achieved and what is required continues to grow.

Specifically, by 2050 the production of electrolysers needs to grow 6000-fold to achieve the 1.5℃ climate target, from 600 MW today (2021) to 3670 GW [1]. This is a faster scale-up than we achieved for solar PV, but it is possible.

Below, please find my collected news clippings organised in the following categories: solar-based power plants, electrolysers (planned or in operation), manufacture of electrolysers, fuel cell vehicles (battery electric vehicles are quickly becoming mainstream, which is great), manufacture of fuel cells, photoelectrochemical plants, and in not so good news.

Solar power plants


Fuel cell vehicles

Photoelectrochemical plants

Other renewables

These are not my focus, but if a project catches my eye I might include here.

  • Masdar (UAE) and NRA (Egypt) agreed at the sidelines of COP27 (the UN climate change conference 2022, in Sharm El Sheikh) to build what would be a massive wind turbine park producing 48 TWh of electricity per year.

Manufacturing of solar PV, electrolysers, wind turbines, batteries, and heat pumps

Global manufacturing capacity for renewable technologies is expanding rapidly. In its report “The State of Clean Technology Manufacturing” the International Energy Agency points to solar PV, electrolysers, wind turbines, batteries, and heat pumps as critical technologies for the energy transition.

And perhaps not so good news


We have, over the last century, built ourselves a global energy conversion system (and a global economy) entirely predicated on the ever-more greedy extraction of fossil fuels. Frankly then, it is no surprise that we would sooner or later run afoul of our biosphere’s physical boundaries.

The energy transition will require a fundamental realignment of the chemical industry, an industry that so far the has relied primarily on oil, coal and gas as for both its energy and its raw material feeds. And the same can be said for the world’s power grids, who might also need to change from their current centralised design to one that allows more distributed power generation.

Whatever path of transition that we decide to take, we must be careful not to invest in flukes, because inevitably the energy required to fuel this transition will be mostly from non-renewable sources.

A short primer on the greenhouse effect and climate change

The basic physics of the greenhouse effect is simple. The planet’s surface and atmosphere can be considered a system in steady state (incoming energy equals outgoing energy), with space being the ultimate heatsink.1 The incident solar light peaks in the visible region (500 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum, and is nearly balanced by infrared radiation emitted from high-altitude atmospheric gases (H₂O, CO₂, etc.). The atmosphere essentially acts like multiple bandstop filters that blocks most of the electromagnetic spectrum from reaching the surface, except for visible light and some ultraviolet and near-infrared, as well as certain bands in the IR range.

Greenhouse gases (GHG) in the upper troposphere form a spectral window that allows the planet surface and lower layers of the atmosphere to radiate excess energy with wavelengths in the IR into space. This requires emissions from the surface characteristic of temperatures roughly 10℃ to 15℃ warmer than the so-called grey body equilibrium surface temperature2 [2]. An increase of GHG makes the atmosphere more opaque at IR wavelengths, thus reducing the planet’s heat radiation to space, and causing the planet to warm until the equilibrium of incident solar light to planetary heat radiation is restored (now at a higher equilibrium surface temperature) [3]. The importance of the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect to life on Earth cannot be understated. The greenhouse effect is the main reason why our surface temperature is not similar to that of the Moon (had it had an atmosphere).

Careful measurements of ocean heat content over six years (2005–2010) showed that the Earth is absorbing more energy from the Sun than it is radiating back to space, with an inferred mean planetary energy imbalance over that six-year period of (0.58±0.15) W m⁻². It is inferred, because of the two dominant causes of changes to Earth’s energy imbalance, greenhouse gases and changes of atmospheric aerosols, the latter remains unmeasured (on the other hand, the former is measured very precisely) [3].

The long lifetime of CO₂ in the atmosphere3 (300 years) means that even if we deploy large-scale carbon capture and sequestration (which I believe is unfeasible), and even if we manage to arrest or even reverse that increase (which is not happening so far), the benefits will not be felt immediately. Our atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere are large and intricately interconnected systems, and the momentum of past emissions means that a global mean temperature rise is now assured. But we can still limit how large that rise will eventually be.

Solar energy collection and conversion

The challenge with energy conversion has always been a game of optimising collection and conversion. For coal, gas and oil collecting it was fairly straight-forward: just identify (and assert control of) the underground or undersea basins where it was naturally amassed. And once the internal combustion engine (ICE) was developed (at least 150 years ago), converting that fossil fuel to work was simple, but with large negative externalities (poor conversion efficency, pollution, noise) that everyone ignored because the fuel was so easy to collect and thus immensely profitable. Before the age of fossil fuels collection was often arduous, back-breaking manual work, and conversion was often even less efficient than with the ICE.

For solar power, collection and conversion works a little differently. The fuel (in the collection step) is no longer materia, but light. And the material itself is no longer broken down in a chemical reaction to produce heat, but rather facilitates (i.e., catalyses) the conversion of photons to electrons while itself remaining inert for decades. And since our primary source of light is the Sun, and sunlight does not arrive in concentrated beams but is rather evenly spread out everywhere, collecting sunlight requires installing photovoltaic (PV) panels on large areas of land4 or buildings.

Atmospheric carbon capture: inefficient, but may be unavoidable

We will most likely need to invest in the atmospheric capture of carbon dioxide, [5] not because it is particularly economical or efficient, but simply because it has now become imperative to quickly decrease the atmosphere’s CO₂ concentration.

This does open up interesting avenues for chemists to take that carbon up the value chain to carbohydrates and all kinds of compounds. But making any sort of fuel out of this captured carbon would defeat the whole point of the exercise, in my opinion.

Capturing carbon dioxide on a large scale from the atmosphere is technically possible, but would require massive amounts of renewable power; power which we would perhaps more wisely be using to supplant non-renewable power generation (there is an inherent conflict of priorities here) [5].

A more limited approach is to simply get the CO₂ out of the atmosphere and store it in bedrock or something, which is known as carbon capture and storage (CCS). Some authors have suggested methods that would combine the splitting of water with CO₂(aq) capture using ocean chemistry [6], and others have shown that carbon dioxide emissions could potentially provide 1570 TWh worth of electricity annually [7]. It is probably premature to pin any hope to such schemes.

We should rather commit to reduce and then eliminate our carbon emissions.


[1] Odenweller, A., Ueckerdt, F., Nemet, G.F., et al., Probabilistic feasibility space of scaling up green hydrogen supply, Nature Energy, v. 7, n. 9, pp. 854–865, Sep. 2022.
[2] Kopp, G., 5.02 - Earth’s incoming energy: The total solar irradiance,” In: Liang, S. (ed), Comprehensive Remote Sensing, Oxford, Elsevier, pp. 32–66, 2018.
[3] Hansen, J., Sato, M., Kharecha, P., et al., Earth’s energy imbalance and implications, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, v. 11, n. 24, pp. 13421–13449, 2011.
[4] Lee, N., Grunwald, U., Rosenlieb, E., et al., Hybrid floating solar photovoltaics-hydropower systems: Benefits and global assessment of technical potential, Renewable Energy, v. 162, pp. 1415–1427, Dec. 2020.
[5] Keith, D.W., Holmes, G., Angelo, D.S., et al., A process for capturing CO\(_2\) from the atmosphere, Joule, v. 2, n. 8, pp. 1573–1594, Aug. 2018.
[6] Rau, G.H., Willauer, H.D., Ren, Z.J., The global potential for converting renewable electricity to negative-CO\(_2\)-emissions hydrogen, Nature Climate Change, v. 8, n. 7, pp. 621–625, Jul. 2018.
[7] Hamelers, H.V.M., Schaetzle, O., Paz-García, J.M., et al., Harvesting energy from CO\(_2\) emissions, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, v. 1, n. 1, pp. 31–35, Jan. 2014.

  1. Although net energy is zero, net entropy is not zero and is the driving force.↩︎

  2. The black body temperature of the Earth can be calculated, and at an average distance from the Sun of 1 AU it yields a globally averaged equilibrium temperature (at the top of Earth’s atmosphere) of 278 K (5℃). But due to GHG in the atmosphere, the Earth cannot be considered a black body, but rather a grey body, and the actual globally averaged equilibrium temperature becomes 290 K (17℃).↩︎

  3. Apart from having a long lifetime, CO₂ in the atmosphere works on a time delay. It takes about 10 years to achieve its full warming effect.↩︎

  4. Surface land or surface water, really. There are several benefits of putting PV on natural or man-made dams and lakes, in particular when combined with existing hydropower [4], in that the panels are cooled by the water and simultaneously reduce water loss via evaporation. PV can also be combined with other land uses, such as agriculture.↩︎